Redwood Logistics
1457 N Halsted St. STE B300
Map Location: #B300
Phone: (773) 342-5780
1457 N Halsted St. STE B300
Map Location: #B300
Phone: (773) 342-5780
For more than 15 years, Redwood Logistics has been unwavering in their dedication to make customers great.
They use market expertise to create unique, innovative solutions to move customers’ freight, better manage their logistics and share industry knowledge with them. By continually driving waste and cost from their supply chain and enabling them to provide better service to their customers, Redwood delivers more supply chain value year after year.
Redwood helps customers simplify and focus on their core business by informing their transportation decisions with data-driven, cost-saving insights. Their customers are confident we are securing right-fit, predictable capacity through our tested and trusted carrier network.
Working with Redwood is always a more valuable and rewarding human business experience. Redwood offers the best logistics and technology team in the business – fun, always positive and enjoyable to work with. They believe that excellence is an everyday deliverable, and in building collaborative, long-term relationships.